Why do you need my email?

The individual results will be treated confidentially, but registration is necessary to enable connection between the tests. Also, if you forget your password we can send you a new one to your email address.

Why are there two tests that seem to be identical?

After test 1, we offer a slideshow that contains the brief key information. The same test is also given after the slideshow, which allows self-evaluation. The purpose is to evaluate if the web-based training has been efficient, that is if you have improved.

I want to go back and change my answers. Can I do that?

Yes, before you have finished a test, you can go back to previous questions and change your answers as many times as you want. However, once you have completed Test 1 or 2 and pressed “Lock and save…” you cannot change them.

Why can I not access Test 2?

Test 2 will be not be available until after the first test and the slideshow have been completed.

I have finished Test 1. How will I get to know the correct replies?

The correct diagnoses and feedback on your results will be given after you have finished Test 2.

What is meant by C, A and F in the list of correct answers?

In some of the tests the answers are classified as correct (C), acceptable (A) or false (F). An acceptable answer is for example if you give another benign diagnosis to a benign lesion. This usually has no clinical significance. In some cases (e.g. prostate atrophy vs. partial atrophy) the distinction may be rather arbitrary. In other cases (e.g. seminal vesicle vs. partial atrophy) the distinction is more obvious but has little clinical relevance. The most important measure of your improvement is if the number of Fs have decreased from Test 1 to 2.